Rest In Peace, SF/F Writer Tanith Lee
Fantasy and science fiction writer Tanith Lee was 67.
Video of the Day: ‘Gandalf’ by the Library Bards
Imagine you can’t get that Taylor Swift song out of your head. What’s a hobbit to do?
On ‘The Event Horizon’: John & Bjo Trimble Talk ‘Star Trek’
Meet the couple that, with the help of the fans, saved Star Trek and changed the world.
New on ‘Docking Bay 94’
Shawn “Obi-Shawn” Crosby and crew make the Force strong with
New on ‘Planetary Radio’
Join Mat Kaplan, Bruce Betts, Bill Nye and Emily Lakdawalla each week for intriguing space science.
Don’t Meep. Meep and You’re Dead.
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