On ‘The Event Horizon’: Creators of New Indie Sci-Fi Thriller ‘Occupants’
Joining your hosts this evening are director Russell Emanuel, screenwriter Julia Camara, and the two lead actors Briana White and Michael Pugliese.
Chris Chibnall Takes Over As ‘Doctor Who’ Showrunner
Steven Moffat is stepping down as showrunner of Doctor Who after six series at the helm, to be replaced by Broadchurch writer and longtime Who fan Chris Chibnall.
R.I.P. Alan Rickman, 1947-2016
Good night, Mr. Rickman. You shall be missed – lost to us from cancer on this day in 2016.
On ‘The Event Horizon’ Tonight: Lawrence M. Schoen, Author of ‘Barsk: The Elephant’s Graveyard’
The quite brilliant science fiction author Lawrence M. Schoen joins us this evening at 9 pm Pacific.
‘Return of Kings’ Boycott of ‘Star Wars VII’ Backfires with Hilarious Results
The “Men’s Rights” advocates at the Return of Kings web site tried to start a boycott of the film. It did not go well.
On ‘The Event Horizon’: Lance Paul, The Traveling Nerd
More than just another Hollywood leading man type, Lance produces, writes and stars in genre grindhouse films for local and foreign markets. Tune in and get a peek at the surprising world of Hollywood movie production.
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