Breaking News: ‘Futurama’ Fan Film ‘Fan-O-Rama’ Releases
Fry and Bender try to win a lifetime supply of beer by cheating. Hilarity ensues.
Death Star In-Flight Safety Video
Working on the Deathstar is a pretty dangerous occupation. In fact, your chances of being injured on the job are pretty high.
Video of the Day: Steam Powered Giraffe’s ‘I Don’t Have a Name For It’
This new cut from the latest Steam Powered Giraffe album ‘Quintessential’ is quintessiantially SPG.
Obi-Shawn Goes to the ‘Rogue One’ Premiere
Rogue One premiered in Hollywood two days ago. Our Jedi in Residence, Shawn “Obi-Shawn” Crosby was there and gives you the grand tour.
Wonder Woman To Lose Her Honorary Ambassadorship
After Wonder Woman was chosen to be an honorary Ambassador to the United Nations, in a promotional campaign for gender equality, another campaign has protested the decision and has led to the removal of Princess Diana of Themyscira from ambassadorship. The removal...
On ‘The Event Horizon’: Sci-Fi Author & Humorist Wayne Gladstone
The author of the ‘Internet Apocalypse’ comedic science fiction series joins us at 9 pm Pacific. is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.