Monty Python’s Terry Jones Passes
The pop culture and comedy icon was 77
LEGO to Release Model of International Space Station (ISS)
An incredible model of the largest man-made object in space ever built becomes a reality.
SpaceX Successfully Tests Crew Dragon Launch Escape
Check the video at 19:37 for the giant orange fireball as Falcon 9 explodes. (Don’t worry, that was supposed to happen.)
Big Finish Audio Review: Torchwood – Deadman’s switch
Three passengers awake on a train, stopped in mid-journey. They all they are on trains going to different destinations but don’t remember getting on. When a man comes through to talk to them they recount the stories of the last thing they remember, each with spooky...
Trailer Park: SYFY’s ‘Resident Alien’ with Alan Tudyk
The new SYFY series Resident Alien is based on a comic produced by Dark Horse, first appearing in Dark Horse Presents in 2011 in a series called Resident Alien: Welcome to Earth. The character and series was created by Peter Hogan (2000 AD, Tom Strong) and Steve...
‘Underwater’ (2019) Movie Review: B-Movie Monsters And Mayhem
Brandon Long reviews this latest adrelaline fueled William Eubank directed film. is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.