Join us this Saturday, September 20, 2024, when hosts Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow welcome the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of two newly resurrected science fiction/fantasy periodicals of historic importance: Worlds of If, and Galaxy SF. You can get a free copy of the first new editions of each by visiting their web sites. The rest you pay for; they’re available in both electronic-only and physical copy forms.

These two publications, between them, have been the point of origin of hundreds of new writers’ careers, and have given us some of the best of the genre. Jean-Paul Garnier is very aware of the enormous shoes he has to fill. Both are imprints of Starship Sloane Publishing Company, Inc., a privately held Texas corporation founded in 2021 and located in the Austin metropolitan area.

The masthead of both publications reads like a Who’s Who in science fiction:

  • Justin T. O’Conor Sloane, Editor-in-Chief
  • Jean-Paul L. Garnier, Deputy Editor-in-Chief
  • Dr. Daniel Pomarède, Science Editor
  • Robert Silverberg, Contributing Editor
  • Pedro Iniguez, Proofreader
  • F. J. Bergmann, Design & Layout

Garnier himself is the founder and proprieter of Space Cowboy Books of Joshua Tree, California, in business since 2016.


Here are the air times for this new episode of The Event Horizon:

Sat Sep 20 4 PM Pacific  / 7 PM Eastern  / 12 AM GMT Sun Sep 21 4 PM Pacific  / 7 PM Eastern  / 12 AM GMT
Sep 26
4 AM Pacific  / 7 AM Eastern  / 12 PM GMT Sat Setp 28 4 AM Pacific  / 7 AM Eastern  / 12 PM GMT

Once all the airtimes have passed, you’ll find this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, and right here on our own web site on the Event Horizon show page (see the menus above).

Here’s the Episode!

The Event Horizon on

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