Disney’s Snow White is a new, live-action musical reimagining of the iconic 1937 film. The magical music adventure journeys back to the timeless fairy tale with beloved characters Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, and Sneezy. The new film is directed by Marc Webb (The Amazing Spider-Man) and produced by Marc Platt (Into the Woods) and Jared LeBoff, with Callum McDougall as executive producer, and features all-new original songs from Benj Pasek and Justin Paul (La La Land, Dear Evan Hansen)


Plans for a remake of 1937’s Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs were confirmed in October 2016, and filming took place primarily at Pinewood Studios in England from March to July 2022, with additional filming in 2024. The screenplay is by Greta Gerwig (Barbie, Wonder Woman) and Erin Cressida Wilson.

In June 2021, Rachel Zegler (West Side Story, Shazam! Fury of the Gods) was cast in the titular role, and in November, Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman, Red Notice) was cast as the Evil Queen. The film sparked controversies during production, with criticism levied against Zegler’s outspokenness during the 2023 SAG-AFTRA strikes, the many story changes, color-blind casting, and actors without dwarfism playing dwarves.

During the 2022 D23 Expo Presentation, it was announced that Snow White would be released in 2024, but the historic 2023 SAG-AFTRA strike changed the release to 2025.

Snow White as a fairy tale was first written down in the early 19th century by the Brothers Grimm, then published in 1812. There are similar folk tales in other cultures, but the version Disney ultimately did as its first foray into feature animation is the best known version. It features such elements as the magic mirror, the poisoned apple, the glass coffin, and the characters of the Prince, the Evil Queen, and the Seven Dwarfs. The Disney animated adaption was a stunning success and established feature animation and the original soundtrack album as mainstays of movie making ever since.

Some of the original characters and songs are in the live-action version, but there are many changes. Including Snow White not looking for true love but to be a leader. When asked about the “modern edge” of the “Snow White” remake at the D23 Expo, Zegler and Gadot both mentioned that Zegler’s Snow White will not be saved by the prince.

“[Snow White’s] not gonna be dreaming about true love. She’s dreaming about becoming the leader she knows she can be.”

Disney has always made significant changes when they adapt existing stories, and so far their live-action remakes have made billions at the box office. Snow White will be in theaters March 21, 2025.

David Raiklen
David Raiklen

David Raiklen wrote, directed and scored his first film at age 9. He began studying keyboard and composing at age 5. He attended, then taught at UCLA, USC and CalArts. Among his teachers are John Williams and Mel Powel.
He has worked for Fox, Disney and Sprint. David has received numerous awards for his work, including the 2004 American Music Center Award. Dr. Raiklen has composed music and sound design for theater (Death and the Maiden), dance (Russian Ballet), television (Sing Me a Story), cell phone (Spacey Movie), museums (Museum of Tolerance), concert (Violin Sonata ), and film (Appalachian Trail).
His compositions have been performed at the Hollywood Bowl and the first Disney Hall. David Raiken is also host of a successful radio program, Classical Fan Club.