The highly anticipated Attack on Titan: The Musical, a 2.5D live stage adaptation of Hajime Isayama’s acclaimed manga, is set to make its international debut at New York City Center from October 11-13, 2024. Directed by breakdance world champion Go Ueki, known for his work on HYPNOSISMIC -Division Rap Battle- Rule the Stage, this musical promises to bring the epic saga of humanity’s fight against the grotesque Titans to life in a unique and immersive way.

Following its world premiere in Osaka and Tokyo in January 2023, Attack on Titan: The Musical captivated audiences and garnered rave reviews. Now, the production is ready to conquer the Big Apple, offering U.S. fans their first chance to experience the story in a whole new dimension.

With a script by Masafumi Hata, music supervision by KEN THE 390, and lyrics by Kaori Miura, the musical blends traditional theater techniques with cutting-edge technology. The cast of 35 performers, including Kurumu Okamiya as Eren Yeager and Sara Takatsuki as Mikasa Ackerman, will transport audiences into the perilous world where humanity’s survival hangs by a thread.

Set in a dystopian world where humanity has retreated behind massive walls to escape the flesh-eating Titans, the story follows Eren Yeager, whose yearning to explore the outside world turns into a nightmare when the Titans breach the walls. As Eren and his friends, Mikasa and Armin, face the terrifying reality, their journey becomes a desperate battle for survival and freedom.

Hajime Isayama’s original manga series, serialized from 2009 to 2021, has achieved monumental success, selling over 140 million copies worldwide and earning numerous awards, including the Kodansha Manga Award and the Harvey Award. Its anime adaptation has also received widespread acclaim, winning multiple Crunchyroll Anime Awards with millions of fan votes.

The term “2.5D musical” originated in Japan around 2000 to describe stage productions based on manga, anime, and video games. These performances blend the two-dimensional world of the original media with the three-dimensional experience of live theater, creating a unique and engaging form of entertainment. “Attack on Titan: The Musical” is a prime example of this genre, offering fans a dynamic and visceral interpretation of the beloved story.

Isayama himself expressed his excitement for the musical’s New York run, saying, “When I saw the production in Tokyo, I was floored by how powerful it was. The action and the songs by the performers have created a new ‘Attack on Titan’ that is different from the manga or the anime series. They have created such an amazing show, and I cannot wait for everyone to see it in New York.”

Attack on Titan: The Musical will be performed in Japanese with English supertitles, ensuring that the emotional depth and intensity of the original dialogue are preserved. The cast also includes Eito Konishi as Armin Arlert, Ryo Matsuda as Levi, and Takuro Ohno as Erwin Smith, along with a talented ensemble featuring Shota Matsuda, Kazuaki Yasue, Yuuri Takahashi, and more.

Produced by Michiho Matsumoto (Nelke Planning), Rie Yoneda (S-SIZE), and New York producer Kumiko Yoshii (Gorgeous Entertainment), this production promises to be a landmark event for fans of “Attack on Titan” and musical theater enthusiasts alike.

Tickets for “Attack on Titan: The Musical” at New York City Center range from $55 to $185 and can be purchased starting June 3, 2024, at 12 PM (EST) through the NYC City Center website or by calling 212-581-1212. Presale tickets for Crunchyroll, Kodansha, and Kinokuniya fans will be available from May 29, 2024, at 11 AM (EST) until June 3, 2024, at 9 AM (EST).

Don’t miss this extraordinary opportunity to witness Attack on Titan in a groundbreaking new format. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the saga, Attack on Titan: The Musical is an event that promises to deliver an unforgettable theatrical experience.

For more information, visit and follow the musical on social media for updates and exclusive content.

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Prepare for the Titans. The walls are coming down.

SCIFI Radio Staff
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