One of the greatest, quirkiest versions of Spider-Man from Sony’s animated Spider-verse feature series has to be Spider-Man Noir, voiced by Nicholas Cage. His intentionally cornball, over-the-top portrayal of the masked webslinger has led to the casting of Nicholas Cage in a live action Spider-Man Noir TV series, named simply Noir. It will stream on the MGM+ Channel and Amazon’s Prime Video.

The show first caught the attention of the comics fans back in February 2023, but at the time, Cage’s involvement was a rumor. does not publish articles based on rumors, but now we have a confirmation via Variety that he is officially associated with the project in the lead role.

Amazon announced Cage’s return at an investor meeting, with Sony Pictures Television Studios president Katherine Pope saying, “We are absolutely thrilled to have Nicolas Cage starring in this series! No one else could bring such pathos, pain, and heart to this singular character.”

Cage will play Noir in his first-ever starring TV role, bringing his unique flair to the Noir-era Spider-Man. For those uninitiated, this version of Spidey is a brooding private investigator, quite a departure from the teenage high schooler we usually see. Cage himself praised the character, blending the coolness of Spider-Man with the gritty vibes of classic Hollywood icons like Cagney, Bogart, and Edward G. Robinson. And let’s not forget Spider-Man Noir’s penchant for punching Nazis and drinking egg creams, as seen in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.

While it’s still unclear which specific Spider-Noir comics the show will draw from, the character was originally created by David Hine and Fabrice Sapolsk for Marvel in 2009. The series will be co-showrun by Oren Uziel (The Lost City) and Steve Lightfoot (Hannibal), with Enola Holmes director Harry Bradbeer directing the first two episodes.

Cage himself is a huge comic book fan, and a big time collector. His copy of Action Comic #1, stolen from his house in 2011, sold for 2.16M at auction. It’s worth possibly three times that now.

This marks a significant milestone for Cage, who, despite an illustrious career spanning five decades and an Oscar win, has never headlined a TV show until now. There’s no release date yet, but we do know that Noir will premiere on the MGM+ Channel before hitting Prime Video.


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