David Soul as Makora {image via Paramount}
Actor/singer David Soul, best known for playing Detective Ken Hutchinson in Starsky and Hutch, has died. He was 80. Star Trek fans will recognize him as Makora in the Star Trek original series episode “The Apple” as Makora, of the planet Gamma Trianguli VI.
David Richard Solberg was born August 28, 1943, in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, USA. He died January 4, 2024 in London, England, UK.

David Soul co-starred in Here Come the Brides as Joshua Bolt. The show starred Mark Lenard, who played Spock’s father, Ambassador Sarek, as sawmill owner Aaron Stempel. He starred as vampire hunter Ben Mears in the mini-series Salem’s Lot, based on the Stephen King horror thriller. In the short-lived Casablanca TV series, he played Rick Blaine, the role originally created by Humphrey Bogart. In Dr. Who: The Animated Series Soul voiced mission control.
In the Seventies and Eighties, he was a popular singer, touring in Europe, and North and South America. His song “Don’t Give Up on Us” hit the top of the charts in the USA, Canada, and the UK in 1976. The following year, his song “Silver Lady,” scored the #1 position on the British charts. Between 1975 and 2020 he recorded 12 albums.
Soul emigrated to England in the 1990s, and performed on stage in the West End. He became a British citizen in 2004
His wife Helen Snell, said Friday that “David Soul – beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother – died yesterday after a valiant battle for life in the loving company of family.” He shared many extraordinary gifts in the world as actor, singer, storyteller, creative artist and dear friend.” “His smile, laughter and passion for life will be remembered by the many whose lives he has touched.” David Soul was married five times and divorced four times. He had six children, five sons, and a daughter.
Soul married Mirriam Russeth in 1964. They divorced in 1965. He married actress Karen Carlson in 1968. They divorced in 1977.They had one son, Kristjian Solberg, born April 3, 1971. He married Patti Carnel Sherman, co-star Bobby Sherman’s ex-wife in 1980. They divorced in 1986; one son, two stepsons. David Soul married actress Julia Nickson in 1987: they divorced in 1993. They had one daughter, singer/songwriter China Soul. He married Helen Snell in 2010. He referred to her as his soulmate. They were married until his death in 2024.
In his younger days, Soul was addicted to both alcohol and tobacco, which affected his health adversely. A three pack a day smoker for half a century, he suffered from COPD and lung cancer. Even though he quit smoking in 2014, the damage was done. He died in a London hospital, with his family at his side. Our comfort and condolences to his family.
Susan Macdonald is the author of the children's book "R is for Renaissance Faire", as well as 26 short stories, mostly fantasy in "Alternative Truths", "Swords and Sorceress #30", Swords &Sorceries Vols. 1, 2, & 5, "Cat Tails" "Under Western Stars", and "Knee-High Drummond and the Durango Kid". Her articles have appeared on SCIFI.radio's web site, in The Inquisitr, and in The Millington Star. She enjoys Renaissance Faires (see book above), science fiction conventions, Highland Games, and Native American pow-wows.