The Kickstarter for the new book by Jeffrey Morris and Kevin J. Anderson, based on the science fiction screenplay Persephone penned by Anderson, funded in less than an hour after they pulled the trigger on it. Persephone tells the story of what happens when humanity goes to Proxima Centauri in a last gasp effort to save humanity as a species, only to discover that some kind of alien intelligence is already there. What it actually is and what the humans do about it will determine the fate of the human race.

We have had both Kevin J. Anderson and Jeffrey Morris on the Event Horizon before. so this time we’re talking to Rem Alternis of the woman owned Rem Alternis Productions, Inc. She’s a huge part of the reason the Kickstarter funded so fast, and we’re doing a deep dive into how promotion and crowdfunding works at this level. The company offers production services to help creatives fill in the missing parts of their production teams to get their dreams and imagination into production and out into the world. This includes managing crowd funding campaigns.

With 12 days to go as of this writing, the novel is 551% funded.

About Persephone

Persephone is a cutting-edge hard science fiction trip to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri, and humanity’s desperate bid for a new home on the planet Proxima-b, PERSEPHONE—a new novel by New York Times bestselling author Kevin J. Anderson and acclaimed writer/director Jeffrey Morris.

The immense ark-ship Odyssey and its ten thousand hibernating settlers have left behind a dying Earth—journeying for fifty years to the nearest star and its lone habitable planet, Proxima-b. This new home for humanity is perpetually bombarded by deadly solar flares on its dayside, while the icy wasteland on its opposite hemisphere freezes in endless darkness.

When the battered Odyssey arrives, its crew discovers the automated radiation shield has failed. Something appears to have damaged or perhaps even sabotaged their technology on a world where humans have yet to set foot.

Astronaut Darcy Clarke, a young pilot born aboard the Odyssey, teams up with recently awakened engineer Tanya Baxter to repair the failing shield in hopes of allowing the colonists to land before their vessel falls apart.

Waiting for the two explorers on the surface of Proxima-b is the geoglyph—a continent-sized landform that resembles a giant metallic work of art. Is it a massive ore deposit, an alien message, or something far stranger and vastly more dangerous?


Sat Nov 44 pm PT / 7 pm ET / Midnight GMT (and a second air time at 9 pm PT)
Sun Nov 54 pm PT / 7 pm ET / Midnight GMT
Thurs Nov 94 am PT / 7 am ET / Noon GMT
Sat Nov 114 am PT / 7 am ET / Noon GMT

After each airtime has passed, you will find this episode on iTunes, Google Podcasts, iHeartRadio, and right here on our own web site.

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