Good Evening Frosty Fam! I would like to formally announce the Frosty FUN-Raiser in conjunction with and Puzzle Wednesday!
This event is a ONE DAY fundraiser (August 12th starting at Noon PDT) to help keep on the air and going long into the future. is one of my homes away from Frosty Fight Club as I do a weekly show on there called Crash Course (feat. Chaotix) every Thursday at 4 pm PDT LIVE.
This place is important to me as it’s one of the few outlets that allows me to be me and express myself creatively for the last 7 years. It is run by Gene Turnbow ( who is a industry veteran of radio, tv, and behind the scenes along with a amazing crew who keeps the ship afloat.
The main reason they need some money at this point is that they have had a severe dropoff in contributions to their Patreon ( and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that running a major online radio station and website takes money. Money is which in today’s society is getting more and more scarse.

This is where WE come in. We’re gonna put on a helluva show for you all on our Twitch channel!
Twitch FrostyFightClub – Twitch
Here is what we have planned for you all!
First off, we’re kicking off with a Street Fighter III: Third Strike tournament where Gill is not only unbanned, He has to be a part of EVERY MATCH! It’s our Third Strike BOSS RUSH Tournament starting at 12:30 pm PDT!
Here are the rules and signup at
After that, There’s a mystery afoot… and the only way to find out what is it is to sign up for our crossover event with Puzzle Wednesday called The Mystery Games! This tournament is a Double Elimination Mystery Randomizer Tournament that’ll be co-hosted by the one, the only @colour_thief alongside me and the rest of the Frosty Fight Club Crew.
Sign up and be ready to be amazed by how silly and fun this tournament will get beginning around 3:30 pm PDT!
Here’s where you can sign up on
The last tournament of the event will be a SUPER one! A SUPER SONIC ONE!
We’re hosting our first ever Sonic event and it’s gonna go FAST. We’re hosting a speedrun race in Sonic The Hedgehog 2 where the players must beat the game with it’s best ending. This means they have to collect ALL SEVEN CHAOS EMERALDS and DEFEAT EGGMAN!
They may choose to race solo or have someone play as Tails to assist them in their journey. Either way, This is going to be a BLAST to watch immediately following the Mystery Game Tournament preceeding it.
Sign up and lace up those Hi-tops at the link below!
Note: Any players that WIN their respective tournament will be entered into the Community Elimination Cup and have a shot at over $150 in prizes! Players that place 2nd and 3rd will also have a shot at getting in through the Last chance Qualfiier happening the Sunday following this event!
After this, We have our FINAL (?) block of content for you and i’m gonna have to apologize up front for this one.. It’s kinda.. Crappy. You guessed it! It’s our Kusoge (Crap Game) block of games featuring titles such as Hokuto No Ken, Waku Waku 7, the Cho Aniki fighting game, and MORE!!)
Frosty Fundraising presents 3rd Strike Boss Rush Tournament
Explore this tournament hosted by Frosty Fight Club, a Challonge Community Event
Frosty Fight Club x Puzzle Wednesday: The Mystery Games!
Explore this tournament hosted by Frosty Fight Club, a Challonge Community Event
Frosty Speedrunning: Super Sexy Sonic 2 Speedrun Challenge!
Explore this tournament hosted by Frosty Fight Club, a Challonge Community Event

We do have some other special stuff we’d LOVE to share with you but we can only do so by getting your support! How do you do that, you ask? Well, lemme tell you all of the ways you can help us out!
Seriously.. Invite people to come watch the stream or sign up for one of the three tournaments we’re doing. This is the MOST efficient way to help us.
2: Make a contribution!
If you have Amazon Prime, you might have a free Twitch sub you can use on any channel you want. You could use that or even choose to sub yourself or give away a gift sub to someone else on the stream. Be generous and everyone wins.
3: Complete Matcherino SponsorQuests!
You can literally generate money out of thin air by completing Matcherino SponsorQuests. What is a SponsorQuest you ask? It’s a small task that a sponsor will ask you to do in exchange for a amount to contribute to a matcherino event. Something like “click this link”, “retweet”, “subscribe on Youtube”, and more. Each of these can add a small amount to the amount collected but when a lot of players do this, it can be really powerful.
Here is the link for contributing to the Matcherino Sponsorquests.
So, That’s what we have planned for @everyone during the FUN-raiser. Lemme know what you think, okay?
-30- is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.