Writer / Producer Ben Paddon
Writer / Producer Ben Paddon

Join hosts Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox on April 1, 2023 at 4 pm Pacific Time when we welcome writer / producer Ben Paddon, creator of the science fiction comedy Jump Leads. Based on the popular web comic by the same name, Jump Leads is a brand new sci-fi comedy audio drama that draws its inspiration from British sci-fi such as Red Dwarf, Doctor Who and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Here are the air times for this new episode of The Event Horizon:

Sat Apr 14 PM Pacific  / 7 PM Eastern  / 12 AM GMTSun Apr 24 PM Pacific  / 7 PM Eastern  / 12 AM GMT
Thur Apr 6 4 AM Pacific  / 7 AM Eastern  / 12 PM GMTSat Apr 84 AM Pacific  / 7 AM Eastern  / 12 PM GMT

About Jump Leads

Wide-eyed Meaney and perpetual cynic Llewellyn are Cadets in the Lead Service, an organization that has appointed itself police of the whole of the Multiverse. And, as luck would have it, they’re the first Cadets in decades to go on actual field-training exercises in actual, proper parallel Universes. Guided by their chaperone, the eccentric but capable Captain Lucas, their journey into alternate Universes will see them encountering rampaging aliens, bloodthirsty gods, and one-or-more robots of varying degrees of deadliness. But it’s not all bad! Probably!

Based on the critically-acclaimed webcomic which ran from 2007 to 2013 and was positively compared to shows like Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Jump Leads is everything you love about your favourite British science-fiction series* wrapped up in one big comedy bundle.

The Season Premiere of Season 1 of Jump Leads happens April 26th, 2023.

*Blake’s 7 not included.


SCIFI Radio Staff
SCIFI Radio Staff

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