Now that I’ve had a chance to rest up a bit, let me tell you about our little adventure from Raven Central to Colorado Springs and the Superstars Writing Seminar last week.

William Joseph Roberts, Jenny E. Wren, Benjamin Tyler Smith

It turned out to be a great trip for all three of us for different reasons, and we have all already signed up to attend next year as well.

Antlers Hotel Heritage room (Primary seminar room)

Just to get things started, here’s what the Seminar is all about.

Quoted directly from

“Superstars Writing Seminars (SSWS) is an intense business seminar—a drink-from-the-fire-hose deluge of real-world information designed to help attendees better navigate the pitfalls of publishing—targeted to serious writers looking to break in or enhance their career.

Superstars Writing Seminars, founded in 2010, teaches writers how to succeed in the business of writing. We bring together professionals from the top of the publishing industry to share their knowledge. Instructors include bestselling authors, editors, agents, managers of indie publishing platforms, and many more. Our primary focus at SSWS is on helping writers boost their careers by learning from industry leaders. “

“Superstars is unique in our industry because of Tribe Culture, and also the approachability of our instructors and presenters. We are a small, tight-knit group of career-minded professionals with a network for all to rely on. Long lunches are an important part of programming and we encourage you to get together and bond with Tribe over a meal during the event. Whether you’re a seasoned author or just getting your first work started, don’t hesitate to immerse yourself in the Tribe Culture of superstars. It’s what sets us apart from other writing conferences.

They also have a number of scholarships that young authors can apply for in order to offset the cost of the Seminar. “

Don Hodge Memorial Scholarship

David Farland Writing Endowment Scholarship

Superstars Expanding Universe Scholarship

A new Scholarship was started this year in honor of founder Eric Flint, but the details about it haven’t been posted yet. Once they are I’ll write up a new article on it.

A seminar like this shouldn’t be considered lightly, especially since the price tag is pretty damned hefty. The high price point is for a reason though. It brings in those really serious about the craft and progressing as a career more than a hobby. This is where “author math” should really be used because you have to look at your overall ROI (Return On Investment)

What do you get for the cost?

Validation seems to be one of the largest takeaways for anyone attending the seminar, no matter where you are on the scale. Even a few of the New York Times bestselling authors in attendance were dealing with that little voice of doubt in the back of their heads.

After the loss of Superstars founders, David Farland (Wolverton), and Eric Flint, this year had a heavy leaning of legal courses. From panels on Intelectual Property to Literary Estate planning.

There were so many great panels, it was hard to decide which ones to attend. From genre specific (I sat in on Nick Thacker’s Thriller workshop) to world-building, sensitivity readers, improving your hook, and more.

Again, the price tag can be a bit daunting, but the knowledge and connections you come away with in the end are more than enough to justify the price tag.


Did I mention the networking connections?

Yeah… It’s crazy who you get to meet and learn from.

I’m so glad that they offer audio recordings of most of the panels, because as stated above, you get the firehose of knowledge in the few short days we are there.

And since they have capped the attendance to around 300, you have the opportunity for that one-on-one time with these industry experts and veterans to glean some of their hard-earned knowledge. Having the opportunity to sit down and talk with Kevin J. Anderson, Dean Wesley Smith, or Todd McCaffrey is beyond any other convention that I’ve attended when you have to fight for time with them against the attending fans.

One other small win on my part, is that I’ve been invited back next year as an instructor. Go figure, I go to another convention and become staff. 🙂

In closing, if you really want to step up your game and learn the business and craft of writing from some of the biggest names in the industry, you should really consider a trip out to Colorado Springs for Superstars Writing Seminar in 2024.

Use Code 3RP2024 at sign up and save $100 for New Member and Student/Military registrations.

Keep your heads up and your pencils sharp!

William Joseph Roberts (aka Hillbilly)


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