MayTree sings Sonic the Hedgehog — not the theme song from the movie, not a song about Sonic, but the actual entire first level of the original game, from the SEGA Genesis boot chime to the level save sound at the finish line for the Green Hill Zone.

The conceit of a capella groups in general is that the human voice not only covers the vocal parts, but all the instrumental parts as well. Okay, great! You have an a capella band. Now try doing covers of video games, including all the sound effects.

MayTree pulls it off with graceful confidence and amazing control, making sounds with their voices that shouldn’t be possible for humans to make. This video of their take on Sonic the Hedgehog gameplay is just one of dozens of such videos on their Youtube channel, and is nothing less than astonishing.

MayTree bills themselves as THE Korean Acappella group. They’ve performed all over Asia, for concerts, TV shows, radio shows, commercials and their own albums. Their arrangements are super tight, almost inhumanly so. Their ability to translate musical performances into something that their human voices can process and render is amazing.

Of course we’ve added this cut to the on-air library.

For more MayTree, visit them on their social media:


SCIFI Radio Staff
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