What better day to showcase a Halloween film not finished until January than Valentine’s Day?

Lord Xerus, the self-described Crunk Knight , gives us his first full length narrative adventure. It was meant to be a Halloween production, but you know how these things go. The easy parts turn out to be the hard parts. The hard parts turn out to be the impossible parts, and you have to figure ways to work around them. All of a sudden, you hav a whole new batch of hard parts.

Don’t let that keep you from joining the Crunk Knight on his first, full-length narrative adventure. It’s rife with zombie clowns and scheming pirates, and a cast of zany characters with more rivets loose than Xerus himself! Just be careful of what you pick up and eat along the way. You may be in for a longer trip than you bargained for! 35 minutes in length, and shot using miniature sets, this special is not to be missed!

Lord XerusHalf-A**ed Halloween Special stars:

  • Alexia Page Alvarado and Amber Jacquez as Young Assasin and Stepford Mom
  • Susan L. Fox as Zombie Clown
  • Charlie Kemmerer as Stormy Daniel
  • Timothy R. Hernandez as Poncery Pofferington
  • Cybal del Vecchio as Miri the Mystic
  • Mike Delaney as The Halloween Bomber
  • Kristi Fojtik as Lady Saystine
  • Al Romero as Lord Xerus

About Al Romero

In real life, Lord Xerus is Al Romero, an author, illustrator, animator, he is a lifelong entertainment industry professional, and works doing editing and post production for television. Romero immigrated to the United States from Mexico when he was only a year old. Growing up a stone’s throw away from Disneyland, and having been fed a steady diet of rad 80’s cartoons, he was fascinated by all things animation, and decided early in life to dedicate himself to the craft of telling stories through words and pictures (moving or otherwise).

If you hadn’t guessed by now, Lord Xerus is also a member in good standing of the Society for Creative Anachronism, which is, in part, how he came to have a full set of functional plate armor such as a medieval knight would wear.

He received his B.f.A. From the prestigious Pratt Institute of Art in New York City, where he vigorously studied drawing, illustration, film and animation. After stints in a variety of fields ranging from retail to art education, Al  found himself working as an assistant editor on shows including: Key & Peele, Workaholics, Adam Devine’s House Party, Knife Fight, Flipping the Block, and The Ultimate Fighter. He’s also been an editor on the series Guides, and H8ters. Al currently resides in Los Angeles, California where he is working on his life-long dream of completing The Tail series of books and turning them into animated shows and movies. You can read more about Al Romero on IMDb.

Noli timere: ut suguret! (Don’t be afraid to suck!)


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