The Dark Forest is a theory which says the galaxy at large, is filled with planets which can support life, but those life-forms on those worlds, out of fear of first contact, each species keeps relatively quiet to avoid attracting attention.

The Dark Forest is one of the answers to the famed Fermi’s Paradox which postulates that life in the Universe must be rare and what life there attempts to remain undiscovered because of the dangers when low tech cultures meet high tech ones.
A host of Human scientists postulate that SETI (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is both wrong and dangerous to the species. These scientist speculate for humanity to call out to a hostile Universe is to invite a potentially rapacious alien threat to our world.

The Dark Forest says, the Universe is a dark and scary place and each species hides in the folds of darkness hoping to achieve spaceflight and the capacity to hide themselves from what are sure to be potentially powerful foes waiting for them to leave their planet and exploit them.

It presents the Universe as a dangerous place where any interaction ends up as a Columbus-style event, where a more advanced species interacts with a lesser species which destroys the less advanced species. This makes space exploration a potentially extinction level event.

I propose a completely different perspective I call the Bright Meadow.

In a meadow, life is teeming, filling every niche, thousands of different life forms, engaging the world in different ways, using completely different means of interacting on the planet.

Creatures who share the ground, all perceive the ground in a similar fashion, using vibration, sight and scent markers. But each seeing the Universe in their manner may be completely unaware of any other life-form which does not use the same sensory protocol.

Thus to creatures that use scent, only other creatures which use scent are interesting and relevant. Everything else is either ignored or eaten depending on the mindset of the discoverer. If you hunt other animals, then their movement triggers your fight or flight response and you either eat them or avoid them.

All of the flying creatures, creatures who are not part of your predatory circle, creatures with sensory apparatus different than your own, creatures who communicate in a manner different than your own, ARE IGNORED.

Hence the Bright Meadow. Can creatures even perceive each other? The same way the ant perceives the dragonfly. Just barely, and only when the two are in close proximity. Otherwise their viewpoints are too different to be compatible.

In the Bright Meadow, life may be hesitant to interact, but its because what they are concerned about things which interact closer to them, sharing a sense, a biome or other natural collaborative habitat.

Humans, for example, are mammalian species with jelly filled eyes, an endoskeleton and communicates by flapping parts of its meat together to make sounds. We hear sounds in a particular range of frequencies and our olfactory sense is rudimentary, at best.

Would it be impossible for us to communicate with the butterfly people of Altair which communicate by using complex scents encoded with data-dense information and by flapping their photo-chromatic wings?

Would we even recognize the flashing wings as being part of their communication matrix?

Since our sense of smell is so rudimentary could we ever decode their complex scent programming used to genetically alter their species like a living computer interface might. Not without technology and not without having to learn the Butterfly people store information in scent markings with their sophisticated cells on their tongues and can only be decoded by an organization capable of building a technology capable of doing so.

The Bright Meadow assumes the Universe is teeming with life, and that many species similar to own may populate it, but more importantly, there may be creatures whose very existence is outside of our ability to perceive, interact, or even acknowledge.
Like animals in a meadow, each plant and animal may occupy niches which rarely overlap, allowing multiple species to exist alongside one another since they rarely cross paths for more than a few seconds. Will some of those interactions be dangerous? Perhaps. But certainly not all of them.

Instead of being a Universe to be afraid of, the Bright Meadow posits a Universe where we may have to work harder to be acknowledged at all as anything other than a curiosity to more advanced species.


#aliens #technology #sensors #cultural #physical #overlap


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Thaddeus Howze

Thaddeus Howze is an award-winning essayist, editor, and futurist exploring the crossroads of activism, sustainability, and human resilience. He's a columnist and assistant editor for and as the Answer-Man, he keeps his eye on the future of speculative fiction, pop-culture and modern technology. Thaddeus Howze is the author of two speculative works — ‘Hayward's Reach’ and ‘Broken Glass.’