Star Wars was first released in theaters on this day in 1977 to an unsuspecting world. That movie changed the face of cinema, and science fiction in cinema, forever.
May the 4th was memorialized in a full-page advertisement in the London Evening News, congratulating the new Prime Minister Margret Thatcher on her 1977 win, and the pun has been embraced by fandom everywhere to designate “Star Wars Day”. The real Star Wars Day, though, is arguably today, the day in 1977 that the movie Star Wars first hit the theaters.

The Story of Star Wars was a 1977 record album presenting an abridged version of the events depicted in the film Star Wars, using dialog and sound effects from the original movie. The recording was produced by George Lucas and Alan Livingston, and was narrated by Rosco Lee Brown. The script was adapted by E. Jack Caplan and Sheryl Guard. The original film became a hit before the days before home video, so for many fans, this album was the closest thing to owning a copy of the film they could revisit whenever they wanted.
The album was also released compact cassette, 8-track tape, and even four track reel to reel audio tape. It was a commercial success, and achieved gold record status.
In honor of the real Star Wars Day, we offer a special presentation: The Story of Star Wars. Join us here on at 8 pm Eastern 5 pm Pacific time to hear this remarkable radio drama.
Be sure to tune in to hear this special presentation.
May the Force Be With You.
-30- is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.