Hey there, Masters & Mistresses of the Nerdiverse! Puh-leeze be sure to mark your calendars pronto. But why, you ask? Because Free Comic Book Day is happening tomorrow, Saturday, May 4, 2019!
That’s right, Supergals & Wonderdudes, it’s that most wonderful time of the year (Yup, the other one) when DC Comics, Archie, Image, Marvel, Dark Horse and other publishers have made dedicated page turners for comic book shops to give away for absolutely nothin’, nada, zilch!

This year, your friendly neighborhood comic shop will be offering up to 50 brand new publications featuring fan favorites like The Avengers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Casper the Friendly Ghost, those too cool teens from Riverdale, Spawn, Spider-Man, the heroes of Star Wars, Vampirella, and so many more!
To see the full line-up of comics (including 20 that are perfectly suitable for kids of all ages), check out that handy dandy link above to the official Free Comic Book site and start makin’ your list and checkin’ it twice. Heck, it doesn’t even matter if you’ve been naughty…although it’s usually better to be nice.
If you’ve never gone out for Free Comic Book Day before and want tips or recommendations, feel free to drop us a comment below. Otherwise, just be prepared to spend a bit more than 12 parsecs in line if you want to be there when the shops open at their usual Bat-time.
If you’re bringing little ones, our veteran advice would be to maybe go an hour after the shops open, when those long lines full of eager beavers have whittled down. (Get it? Beavers? Whittled down?!?!) *Bah-dum-thump!*
Anywho, however you decide to do it, True Believers, we’d like to wish you all a very safe and happy Free Comic Book Day. And May the 4th be with you!
Yours nerdily,
The SCIFI.radio Rebel Alliance
Free California Fan Signings
DC Comics is celebrating Free Comic Book Day with free fan signings in various comic book stores in California!
This year, California fans will have the opportunity to meet celebrated DC comic book artists Dustin Nguyen
(BATMAN: LI’L GOTHAM), Ryan Sook (ACTION COMICS) and Scott Koblish (THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD) on May 4 and 5.
Serving as their Gold comic book offering for Free Comic Book Day, DC is offering a free chapter from
THE MOON: A CATWOMAN TALE, the new graphic novel from
The New York Times
bestselling author Lauren Myracle (ttyl)
and artist Isaac Goodhart. The full version of this original graphic novel from DC Ink, DC’s new Young Adult reader imprint, will be available to fans on May 7. Plus, a sneak preview of DC Ink’s
TITANS: RAVEN graphic novel by Kami Garcia (Beautiful
Creatures) will also be included in this Free Comic Book Day special edition.
DC’s Silver comic book special, written for middle-grade readers, will offer two exclusive free chapters of
JUSTICE LEAGUE, written by
The New York Times
bestselling author Michael Northrop (TombQuest)
with art by Gustavo Duarte (BIZZARO). Highlighting fan-favorite characters Superman and Hawkgirl, these DC Zoom graphic novel chapters will also
be available ahead of the full book’s release on August 6.
Plus, just ahead of Free Comic Book Day, DC will release a special 25-cent original comic, DC’S YEAR OF THE
VILLAIN #1, on Wednesday, May 1. Available to download on ReadDC.com and Comixology, or to purchase for 25 cents at participating comic book stores, this exclusive 32-page comic will spotlight several of DC’s most infamous super-villains and serve as preludes
to several major storylines unfolding throughout Summer and Fall. Celebrated authors Brian Michael Bendis, Scott Snyder and James Tynion IV have penned these stories alongside Eisner Award-winning illustrators Alex Maleev, Jim Cheung and Francis Manapul.
Dustin Nguyen – Artist for BATMAN: LI’L GOTHAM
Saturday, May 4, 11:00 am – 6:00 pm PST
Torpedo Comics
162 N Glassell St.
Orange, CA 92866
Ryan Sook – Artist for ACTION COMICS
Saturday, May 4, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm PST
Invincible Comics
1035 W Orangeburg Ave.
Modesto, CA 95350
Scott Koblish – Artist for THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD
Sunday, May 5, 11:00 am – 3:00 pm PST
The Comic Bug Comics
4267 Overland Ave.
Culver City, CA 90230