As curators of the history of geek culture in sound, we sometimes find ourselves discovering gems from years ago. This music video, for a filk of Good Morning, Baltimore! from the musical Hairspray is one such gem. It’s Good Morning, Voldemort! Obviously slanted to appeal to the more mature Harry Potter fans (and a wee bit racy), this is a fun twist on a modern favorite.

Be sure to pause the music stream while you watch this most excellent performance.

Dylan White wrote the lyrics that Alex Chester belts out as though she were trying out for her shot on Broadway, and she’s so good in this she makes us believe she’s already got the part.  We’re going to go look up more work by Alex. Maybe there’s more fantastic music in store for us — and you!

And of course, you can already hear this choice selection in the daily lineup. Enjoy.


SCIFI Radio Staff

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