Join us today for The Event Horizon at its new time of 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern for a lively discussion with Alyson Peterson, author of the Ian Quicksilver YA science fantasy series.

Alyson Peterson lives in a mountainside gully–of all places–in northern Utah with her neurotic, shed-tastic dog, two ninja kids, and superhero husband. She spends her time painting, breaking bones at her Martial Arts class (mostly her own) and reading as many books as she can get her hands on. She started her writing career with the daunting task of doing all the world building and starting her own series. She’s finished two books so far, Ian Quicksilver: The Warrior’s Return and Ian Quicksilver: The Cursed Dagger, with the third book (entitled Ian Quicksilver: The Exiled Prince) currently in the works and due out in September.

Ms. Peterson has had a wild, unusual life, and uses this as fuel for her creative efforts. Hear all about it this afternoon, with your hosts Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox.

Here are all the air times:

First Run: Saturday 4 PM PT / 7 PM ET
Sunday 4 PM PT / 7 PM ET
Thursday 4 AM PT / 7 AM ET
Saturday (reprise) 4 AM PT / 7 AM ET

Be sure to tune in – you can now hear on every internet capable device that makes sound, including Alexa-enabled devices, cell phones, tablets, computers, and anything else that can play internet radio. Just use the search function, and you’ll find us on on our own apps, on TuneIn or iTunes, or just directly.

The Event Horizon on – it’s Sci-Fi for your Wifi!



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