Buckle up, space fans, for an intriguing conversation with Andrew Rader, author of the upcoming children’s book Mars Rover Rescue, and its predecessor, MC Longneck’s Epic Space Adventure. Andrew has a PhD in human space flight from MIT, and works professionally as an aerospace engineer. This gives him a unique perspective when it comes to creating educational children’s books that can ignite the imaginations of young budding future scientists. The new book has already blown past its goal on Kickstarter, and now the second book about the self-assured “giraffestronaut” is well into stretch goal territory.

It all began when Andrew saw the animation work of Galen Frazer, featuring a rapping space travelling giraffe, complete with sunglasses, and the requisite bling he wears on the outside of his space suit. The two of them teamed up to bring Galen’s novel character to book form.

Tune in this evening at 9 pm PT / Midnight ET for the first broadcast of this fascinating interview with Andrew Rader. Your hosts this evening are Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow.

The episode airs again tomorrow (Sunday) at 4 pm PT / 7 pm Eastern, then again on the following Tuesday and Saturday at 4 am PT / 7 am ET, and from there it goes to iTunes, Stitcher, and of course our own web site on The Event Horizon show page as a podcast.

The Event Horizon – it’s Sci-Fi for your Wifi!


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