On The Event Horizon this evening at 9 pm Pacific, join your hosts Gene Turnbow and Susan L. Fox as we speak with the director, writer and two stars of a new indie sci-fi thriller called Occupants. For this episode, we welcome director Russel Emanuel, screenwriter Julia Camara, and the two lead actors Briana White and Michael Pugliese, who play the  married couple Neil and Annie Curtis.  Real, hard SF is a rarity in motion pictures, and Occupants has the makings of one of those rare, successful marriages of the genre and the medium.

Also featuring Robert Picardo as a researcher in paranormal activities, Occupants tells the story of a video blogger who convinces her husband to participate in a 30 day experiment, as they put their entire lives on display via web cam to show how going full vegan changes their way of life. Things begin to go sideways when the web cames begin showing them views of an alternate reality, and alternate versions of themselves.

If you miss this evening’s episode, you can tune in again on Sunday at 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET, or at 4 am PTt / 7 am Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday during the coming week.

We hope you enjoy this discussion of science fiction and filmmaking.

The Event Horizon — it’s Sci-Fi for your Wifi.



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