The Powerpuff Girls are making a comeback.  At 7:30 PM on January 20, 2013, the epic female cartoon superheroes, created by Craig McCracken, begin appearing in brand new episodes on Cartoon Network.  In a strange twist, Ringo Starr appears as a character in the episode, and has even created a special song in honor of the three synthetic sisters (if you hadn’t heard, they were created in a lab and given superpowers by the accidental inclusion of “Chemical X”).  Starr plays an eccentric mathematician named Fibonacci Sequins.

We have no idea how Ringo Starr became involved in this fresh new take on these fan favorites, and after seeing this video we don’t really much care.  It’s silly, it’s goofy, it’s heartwarming, Ringo appears in drag, and it’s just so charming you’ll want to watch it over and over.

We did.

Ringo Starr is no stranger to whimsy. His song Octopus’s Garden from the Beatles’ 1969 album Abbey Road speaks to the same childlike delight that this Powerpuff Girls sketch calls upon to such good effect. Octopus’s Garden, by the way, was only the second song he had ever written. George Harrison, who assisted Starr with the song, commented: “‘Octopus’s Garden’ is Ringo’s song. It’s only the second song Ringo has ever written, mind you, and it’s lovely.” He added that the song gets very deep into the listener’s consciousness “because it’s so peaceful. I suppose Ringo is writing cosmic songs these days without even realising it.” It was the last song released by the Beatles featuring Starr on lead vocals.

You can hear this innocuous, joyful heart on your sleeve song here on in our regular play library.


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