Last week scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California achieved a net energy gain for the first time, in a fusion experiment using lasers.
Last week scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California achieved a net energy gain for the first time, in a fusion experiment using lasers.
Voting for the annual THIS IS HORROR Awards has commenced, and anyone may vote. Here are the nominees for 2021.
Even if you don’t read much fantasy, the odds are good that you’ve heard of Conan the Barbarian. December 2022 marks his 90th birthday.
Ahead of its time, ST:TMP set the bar for all Star Trek films to follow.
We regret to confirm that Emmy-winning actress Kirstie Alley has died, succumbing to a recently diagnosed cancer at the age of 71.
Austrian film director Fritz Lang, pioneer of science fiction cinema, was one of the directors who defined the art of cinema itself.
It’s always fun when I’m drawn into a book by its cover… and then find out that the story not only lives up to that cover, but exceeds my expectations. Author J. Rose’s Vera Warden and the Two-Faced Demon did just that!
Award-winning Star Wars actor Dr. Oliver Ford Davies is celebrating his 84th birthday today!
After a 45 year print run, the landmark scif and fantasy anthology magazine Heavy Metal has apparently ceased publication.
The season two finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds depicts the Gorn in a border dispute escalating to armed conflict with the Enterprise.