“Star Trek: Discovery” Poised for Success – Or It Would Be, If …
… Paramount weren’t ignoring a rather large elephant in the room. It could take off – but it’s an awfully big gamble.
Tom Baker to Complete Lost 4th Doctor Story Arc
An unfinished Douglas Adams story for Doctor Who is being finished, with the missing episodes being replaced with animated sequences.
“The Handmaid’s Tale” Claims Eight Emmy Awards
The Handmade’s Tale makes a powerful statement, and is currently acknowledged as the best show going.
Fear of a Smarter Alien
We seem to be fine with the idea of intelligent life from other worlds so long as we’re not on the wrong end of the encounter. Thaddeus Howze breaks it down.
Harry Dean Stanton, Brett In “Alien” and Carl Rodd In “Twin Peaks,” Dead At 91
The world says goodnight to the incomparable actor.
“The Orville”: A More Complicated Conversation
What Fox told us the Orville would be, what the critics thought of it, and what the fans think are apparently three very different things.
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