#WakandaForever! A Review of “Black Panther” by “The Answer Man” Thaddeus Howze
This review is designed to be spoiler-light. My hope is to release something which gives you the feel of the movie without spoiling the experience for you — which means I won’t be revealing anyone’s motivations, actions or scene-by-scene analysis. I figure we have the rest of the year to read such things. This is about my experience with Black Panther.
40 Years of “Star Wars”, and How It’s Changed the World
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, one filmmaker began to change the world – how 40 years of Star Wars has changed everything.
Video of the Day: Bad Lip Reading’s Star Wars Tune, “Hostiles on the Hill”
“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so dang sweet, so dang sweet, so dang sweet..”
And It’s a Done Deal: Disney Buys Fox for $52.4 Billion in Stock
With this acquisition, Disney now has content coming out its large circular black ears.
Patreon Blinks, Reverses Course on Controversial Fee Hikes
This is a good thing. If you had canceled your support for one or more creators – creators like us, hint, hint – we’re sounding the all clear. It’s safe to come back now.
Disney Parks’ Star Tours Flies to Crait [Spoilers]
The Star Tours attraction at Disneyland and Disney Studios parks takes you to the new planet of Crait – and previews Batuu. NOTE: POTENTIAL SPOILERS.
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