Ryan Reynolds Confirms Greenlight for ‘Deadpool 3’ with Marvel Studios
It’s comfirmed: Deadpool, the Merc with the Mouth, is coming back for a third film!
Video of the Day: “Toss a Coin to Your Witcher”
Jaskier the Bard sings of the Witcher in this cool music video.
Burt Ward, “Robin” Hosts Global Batusi for World Peace Day”, Superheroes to the Rescue Awards, as he Receives his Star on the Walk of Fame
Burt Ward, “Robin the Boy Wonder”, announces Batman ’66 Global Batusi for World Peace, and the first Annual Superheroes to the Rescue Awards.
Video of the Day: Bad Lip Reading’s “My Stick”
Pro-tip: it’s better – and denser – than bacon.
Blast from the Past: “Superman’s Christmas Adventure”, 5 pm ET / 2 pm PT
Tune in for a special Christmas presentation of the classic radio series from the 1940’s.
Video of the Day: Auralnaughts’ ‘Go to Sleep, Baby Yoda’
The Mandalorian sings an edgy lullabye to his high value target. Star Wars and comedy. Who knew?
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