Star Trek’s Nichelle Nichols’ Final Tour Rescheduled and Relocated – Again
The saga of Nichelle Nichols’ – Star Trek’s Lt. Uhura – final public appearance has been beset by a number of problems in the past year.
Bryce Dallas Howard to Helm Female Reboot of Disney’s ‘Flight of the Navigator’
This new remake of the cult classic Flight of the Navigator will feature a female in the title role.
Shenzhou-12 Astronauts Return Safely to Earth After 3 Months in Space
The Shenzhou-12 manned spaceship carrying astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo returned safely to Earth.
Sir Clive Sinclair, Home Computing Pioneer, Gone at 81
The creator of the groundbreaking ZX Spectrum home computer passed away at his home in London after a long illness.
‘Aquaman: King of Atlantis’ is Coming to HBO Max!
HBO welcomes Aquaman, this time playing it for laughs. Cooper Andrews of ‘Walking Dead’ voices the title role. Watch the trailer.
2021 Creative Emmys Give Wins to Wandavision, The Mandalorian, ST:Discovery
Marvel, Disney & Paramount bring home Emmys from the crowded list of 2021 competitors, including Wandavision, The Mandalorian, Star Trek: Discovery is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.