Jupiter’s Red Spot is Speeding Up
The famed Jovian storm has speed up 8% since 2009, increasing by a factor of 200kh — and nobody knows for sure why it’s happening.
Announcing the Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction
The Ursula K. Le Guin Prize for Fiction is an annual $25,000 cash prize given to a writer for a single book-length work of imaginative fiction.
Farewell, Black Panther’s Dorothy Steel – RIP at 95
Black Panther actress Dorothy Steel proved that you are never too old to take that leap of faith and follow your dream.
Happy 77th Birthday, Katherine Kurtz, Bestselling Fantasy Author of the Deryni Novels
Summon minstrels with flute and lute, Rejoice with drum and horn! This is the day Katherine Kurtz was born! The fantasy author is 77 today.
Game Review: Turtle Rock Studios’ ‘Back 4 Blood’
Turtle Rock Studios’ ‘Back 4 Blood’ is an engaging mix of old and new and one of the most enjoyable games in recent years.
Seasons Beatings: HAWKEYE Trailer Drops With Holiday Release
Get ready to jingle a few bells, because Hawkeye’s on his way to Disney+ with a new protege and two brand new episodes on November 24!
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