The “Workplace Responsibility Committee”: How Activision Blizzard Is Dropping The Ball
For Activision Blizzard, desperate measures still may not be enough to hold some people accountable for their actions.
We Know About the Music of the Spheres – But Can They Carry a Tune?
Dr. Carl Sagan insisted on sending some of Earth’s sounds and music to space on the Voyager probe. It appears Space is returning the favor.
Trailer Park: “Nightmare Alley”
Guillermo del Toro, the Mexican master of horror, will be back in theaters December 17, with a new film to give you the shivers. Watch a sneak peek of del Toro’s Nightmare Alley.
Broadway Icon Stephen Sondheim Gone at 91
American composer Stephen Sondheim, whose music delights people around the globe, has died at the age of 91.
‘Call Of Duty: Vanguard’ Offers Non-Stop Action, Thrills
CoD is one of the world’s most popular first-person shooters, and there may be no map with as much running and gunning as the bite-sized, high-octane Shipment.
Happy Birthday, Chris Clairemont
Award-winning omic book writer Chris Clairemont has written the adventures of some of Marvel’s most popular characters, He’s 71 today! is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.