Remembering Rod Serling, Born 97 Years Ago Today
Let’s raise a glass to awe and mystery from the mind of Rod Serling, the man of the hour. Gone, but never, ever forgotten.
‘Westworld’ Season 4 First Look from HBO: A Terrified Caleb and The Man in Black Is Watching
HBO’s new teaser for 2022 features Westworld and other sci-fi and fantasy genre treats.
RIP Sayaka Kanda, Japanese Voice Actress
Japanese actress and singer Sayaka Kanda has died at the young age of 35, and both suicide and foul play are being considered as possibilities.
Engineered Arts Robots Get Uncomfortably Close to Human
Engineered Arts presents robots that take the art to the next level, but as impressive as it is, it’s getting a little creepy, too.
Happy 73rd Birthday, Samuel L. Jackson
A Jedi, leader of S.H.I.E.L.D., a superhero with ice powers – Samuel L. Jackson has done it all. He’s 73 today.
The Triumphant Return of DC’s “Batman/Superman: World’s Finest”, 2022
A new DC Omniverse needs a new edition of a comic which has been thrilling readers since 1941: World’s Finest! is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.