Super Giant Robot Brothers! is a bombastic reimagining of movies where giant robots slice up Kaiju amid the tiny cities beneath their feet.
Mission to the Moon Artemis 1 Launches
Artemeis 1 roared into the Florida sky early this morning, with its unmanned Orion spacecraft payload, on its way to the Moon.
John Aniston of VOYAGER & DAYS OF OUR LIVES Dead at 89
Emmy-winning actor John Aniston, father of actress Jennifer Aniston died November 11, 2022, of natural causes.
Video of the Day: The Cog Is Dead’s ‘Weird’
Today’s steampunk confection is Captain John Sprocket with The Cog is Dead, singing his original song ‘Weird’.
Whoopi Goldberg is 67 Today
A 9 year old girl watching TV in 1966 saw something unusual. “Mama, there’s a Black lady on television and she ain’t playing no maid!”
‘Spirited’ Is A Charming Modern Take On The Classic Christmas Story
Will Ferrel and Ryan Reynolds star in this quirky new Christmas musical. Gareth von Kallenbach reviews. is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.