Boop! the Musical to Open on Broadway
Betty Boop hits the stage in this all singing, all dancing musical on Broadway. Previews begin today at 8 pm.
‘Eve Frontier’ to Get Full Working Virtual Economy
CCP Games hires Icelandic economist Stefán Þórarinsson as its new head of economy, to help the studio build a truly open financial system within a virtual world.
We Note With Sadness the Passing of Dr. Who’s Simon Fisher-Becker
It is our sad duty to announce that Doctor Who and Harry Potter actor Simon Fisher-Becker has passed away. He was 63.
Disney Animation Production Management Workers Ratify First Union Contract
After two years of relentless effort, the production management workers at Walt Disney Animation Studios (WDAS) have officially secured their first union contract,
‘Biker Mice From Mars’ Gets Comics Series
Biker Mice from Mars are coming to a comics shop near you in June of 2025 in their first continuing series.
Video of the Day: Pokemon Dark Edition | Drowzee’s Den
The noOne studio has come forward with the third in its series of Pokémon Dark short films depicting what the Pokémon universe would be like if it was our actual world. In this original short subject, a man is using his... is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.