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Category: Music

Artist Spotlight: Studio Ghibli Composer Joe Hisaishi

Today we pay tribute to Joe Hisaishi, one of the greatest composers of our time, and certainly among the best loved of the aficionados of fantasy, science fiction, anime and adventure film genres. Western audiences have been hearing and being enthralled by his music for decades often without knowing who had created this particular brand of magic.

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A Random story

Earth becomes the focal point of a cosmic prophecy foretelling the end of days for anybody who speaks Latin who want to plug us into a power grid and use us as living batteries even though they all do bad impressions of William Shatner who tend to stutter under pressure when confronted by a bunch of kids playing disco music on boom boxes but one cunning young man somehow convinces them that people are okay and so they leave our planet and fly home.
The End.