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Category: Fandom

Never Filmed Lost Star Trek Script Found After 45 Years

A script written for the original Star Trek television series by famed science fiction writer Norman Spinrad has resurfaced after 45 years. Entitled “He Walked Among Us”, it was to have been a vehicle for a serious role for the late Milton Berle before Spinrad himself had it scuttled in 1967. Spinrad had written one other Trek script, the fan-favorite episode “The Doomsday Machine”.

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We heard the news that we were going to be listed early last week, but we didn’t want to jinx it by announcing early – but this morning we checked, and sure enough, there we are!

To find us in iTunes, open the list of radio stations and go to the Ecclectic grouping. We’re there, about half way down.

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A Random story

Earth becomes sentient and begins eating other planets who understand us all too well even though they all do bad impressions of William Shatner and can be destroyed by a crowd of people with pitchforks and torches .
The End.