Disney has been swinging for the fences to make sure everybody’s on board for the new season of Andor, the story of the birth of the Rebellion. With this final trailer for Season 2, they hit just the right notes.


Everybody from Season 1 is still with us, and they know about the Death Star. We also get to reacquaint ourselves with Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn, returning to his Rogue One role), one of the Death Star’s principle architects.

The trailer sets the proper tone, unlike the previous trailer that made Andor look more like The Dukes of Hazzard with spaceships and blasters. The Rebel Alliance is properly established, with some great scenes with Cassian himself (Diego Luna), Luthen Rael (Stellan Skarsgård), Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker), and more, all giving their best speeches about the importance of the Rebel’s mission, and acknowledgements of how even success for their team will mean death. Everything aligns. It’s all the prelude for another season of terrific television.

Andor shows us that the Rebellion understands completely what they’re fighting for, and would do anything they can to rid the galaxy of fascism, even if it all resulted in Palpatine returning somehow anyway. We know how this story ends. The events of the film Rogue One tell us that none of them survives this—but that no matter how many of the torch bearers are mown down, the flame itself cannot be extinguished. Andor is a fairy tale for our modern age.

Andor season 2 is set for release on Disney Plus starting on April 22.

May the Force be with us all.

Gene Turnbow

President of Krypton Media Group, Inc., radio personality and station manager of SCIFI.radio. Part writer, part animator, part musician, part illustrator, part programmer, part entrepreneur - all geek.