It is our sad duty to announce that Doctor Who and Harry Potter actor Simon Fisher-Becker has passed away. He left this mortal coil early this morning, March 9, 2025 at 2:50 AM, as reported by his husband in a short statement on Facebook. He was 63 years old.
Born in 1961 in Paddington, London, U.K, Fisher-Becker’s career spanned more than 35 years, and he appeared in 48 productions, with six more still unreleased and in preproduction. His forte was comedy, but he was equally at home with dramatic roles, across the entire spectrum, from Shakespeare to Panto, film, TV, Radio and web series.
He appeared as Dorium Maldovar in The Pandorica Opens, A Good Man Goes to War and The Wedding of River Song, as well as Big Finish Productions‘ The Eleventh Doctor Chronicles and Jenny: The Doctor’s Daughter audio adventures. He also appeared as Kavil in Big Finish’s Doctor Who spin-off Gallifrey, Lift in Big Finish’s Iris Wildthyme story A Lift in Time and Sir Andrew Williams in BBV Productions’ P.R.O.B.E. story A Message from Sir Andrew. He returned to Doctor Who roles time and time again over an acting career that spanned 35 years.
Outside of Doctor Who, he was known for voicing the Fat Controller in Thomas & Friends, but moreover, he was very well loved in the Doctor Who fandom community, and he loved them back, making appearances in both the U.K. and the United States. He was unflaggingly enthusiastic about both his own art and that of his musician husband Tony Dugdale; he was uncompromisingly friendly and supportive to all who knew him, and saw the good in everyone.
Every time someone we know passes, we are saddened, but we shall feel his absence especially keenly.
Our thoughts are with his husband Tony, as well as his family, friends and colleagues.
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