When you begin your career as a fighter for Super Earth in Helldivers 2, inevitably after finishing boot camp, the next question becomes: What is the perfect primary weapon to use while Helldiving? While each weapon has detailed profiles, with ranges for damage, accuracy, and effectiveness modifiers, it’s not so much the weapon itself but the soldier using it that ultimately makes the difference as you gain experience.
The truth becomes clear as you learn: in Helldivers 2, there are no perfect weapons—only skilled soldiers who know how to adapt their role and choose the right weapon for the situation. You need to find a weapon that suits your playstyle. Will you charge into the fray, guns blazing in the name of Democracy? Or will you be the tactical strategist, calling in aerial and orbital strikes on hardened targets, using your precision to take out the right enemies at the perfect moment?
It’s easy to forget that Arrowhead Game Studios’ greatest creation, Helldivers 2, is only six months old and has already endured its share of economic, social, and design challenges during development. But don’t let this detract from the experience. In my opinion, Helldivers 2 is one of the best games of its kind ever made. The developers are committed to rebalancing gameplay, reviving popular weapons, and restoring the game’s heroic, dynamic feel, bringing back the glory days of early play.

In Helldivers 2, You’re a member of a team.
In Helldivers 2, tactics are everything. No matter what weapons you choose, your greatest tool for survival is your brain. Mastering positioning and understanding your role within the team are crucial for tailoring your strategies to meet both your squad’s needs and enhance your personal experience.
There are three, possibly four, ranges at which you can engage enemies, and each primary weapon performs best within its optimal range. If possible, you should always maintain this distance during combat. If you find yourself slipping out of your ideal range, it may be time to switch weapons or become more mindful of your changing conditions. Contingency plans, along with effective use of terrain, are key to your defensive strategy—especially when facing foes with ranged attacks, like the Automatons or bile-spewing Termanids.
Another important consideration is selecting a weapon stratagem that complements your primary weapon by either supplementing your range, boosting accuracy, or granting armor-piercing capabilities. Stratagems like turrets can augment your firepower, but only for a short time, so placing them strategically is vital to maximize their effectiveness while minimizing the risk of friendly fire.
My range recommendations are: short, medium, long, and extreme.

SHORT RANGE: Point Blank to 15 Meters
Shotguns dominate this range, offering a variety of options depending on your chosen role. Among the most beloved are the SG-225 Breaker and the SG–225IE Breaker Incendiary, which deliver pulse-pounding power and the ability to flash-fry enemies. Incendiary shotguns, in particular, excel in area-of-effect and damage-over-time (DOT) attacks, burning through enemy hit points until they die—or the flames extinguish.
With the right shotgun—there are at least six options—you can stagger powerful enemies, target and eliminate smaller hordes, or fire slugs to take down tougher foes, all at close range. As a shotgun user, you often lead the charge, confronting enemies head-on to soften them up while your teammates pick them off from a distance. Alternatively, you could serve as rear guard, incinerating foes as your team retreats.
The role of a short-range fighter in Helldivers 2 is both busy and perilous, but for those who thrive in the thick of battle, the shotgun delivers the stopping power needed to get the job done.

MEDIUM RANGE: 16-40 meters
Medium range is where most Helldivers operate when delivering Democracy. A wide variety of weapons are capable of handling this range, offering accuracy, overwhelming firepower, or precision targeting. Weapons like sniper rifles, assault rifles, and the APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle stratagem provide tactical precision at the higher end of the medium range spectrum.
If you prefer getting closer to the action, the various Liberators are ideal choices. These versatile rifles offer three firing modes: automatic, burst, and semi-automatic. Weapons like the AR-23 Liberator, AR-23P Liberator Penetrator, AR-61 Tenderizer, AR-23C Liberator Concussive, and the AR-23A Liberator Carbine offer reliable ammo capacity, good damage output, and a solid number of clips to keep you in the fight.
To further bolster your firepower, consider using machine gun stratagems like the MG-43 Machine Gun, MG-206 Heavy Machine Gun , or the M-105 Stalwart. These weapons can send a staggering amount of ammo downrange, and when paired with the B-1 Supply Pack, you’ll be a near-limitless source of firepower. For extra stability, consider pairing this loadout with recoil-reducing armor to maintain accuracy.
The RS-422 Railgun is the quintessential medium-range weapon, beloved by Helldivers everywhere. This single-shot powerhouse pierces heavy armor and can take down even the largest targets in two to four shots. However, the challenge lies in keeping enemies at an ideal distance while you “kite” them—drawing them toward you while reloading for the kill. During these critical moments, the G-23 Stun Grenade can be a lifesaver, immobilizing enemies for a few seconds and giving you time to reload or call in an orbital or aerial strike against tougher foes.

EXTREME RANGE: 50+ meters
Extreme range typically involves targeting structures like spore towers, tower guns, and aerial gunships—enemies that are often beyond the effective range of most primary weapons. This is the domain of sniper-style weapons, which retain accuracy at these distances. The R-63 Diligence and R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper are prime examples of light, penetrating weapons designed for precise long-range shots. These weapons are especially effective against Automatons but have small magazine sizes. It’s highly recommended to fire from cover, as Automatons are known for their rapid, accurate return fire.
If you assume the role of a long-range attacker, several stratagems can complement this playstyle. The APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle, the EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank launcher, the powerful but slow LAS-99 Quasar Cannon, the relentless GR-8 Recoiless Rifle, and the FAF-14 Spear all excel at extreme ranges, with no damage fall-off. These weapons hit hard and can pierce armor, but they come with significant drawbacks—most notably long reload times, ranging from 5 to 18 seconds, so positioning and timing are key.
Where you set up matters, especially against Automatons, as they can return fire from great distances and deploy reinforcements quickly. Stun grenades thrown from long range can make it easier to lock onto larger enemies, improving your chances of landing a critical hit. Lastly, consider equipping recoil-reducing armor to maintain accuracy and control during sustained engagements.
HELLDIVERS 2 ROLES: Recon, Assault, Tactical, Sniper and Specialist
While Helldivers 2 doesn’t formally define player roles, it’s wise to adopt a tactical mindset when approaching the game. As a former military person, I recommend not trying to be everything to everyone, especially early on. Instead, focus on a specific role and limit your choices and tactics until you unlock more weapons and technology to aid you in your struggle for Managed Democracy.

Reconnaissance: Scout, investigates, gathers resources from map
In Helldivers 2, your role within the team is just as important as your range of engagement. If you primarily play with random Helldivers, you may want to adopt a style that maximizes your enjoyment while allowing you to fill a useful role within any team. On the other hand, if you play with a dedicated group, you can focus on more precise roles, overlapping stratagems and teamwork to achieve a level of destruction that is rarely matched in random play.
As a recon specialist, your job is to scout out the mission area, pinpoint objectives, and complete them efficiently. You’re also responsible for locating resources and ensuring your team leaves with more exotics than anyone else.
Scout armor is essential, giving you the speed to outrun nearly everything on the map. Smoke, gas, fire, mines, and turrets are your tools of survival, delaying enemies as you make your escape. If you specialize in strike recon, you might wield a heavy weapon capable of taking down large targets, only to swiftly retreat while dragging pursuing enemies into a carefully planned ambush.
Recon Helldivers often wear medical armor to carry the maximum number of stims (up to 6), acting as a fast-moving medic. Armed with the Supply Pack, reconnaissance players can quickly assist the team in a pinch, delivering stims and supplies when needed.

ASSAULT: Front-Line Trooper, Close Combat, High-Damage Dealer
The Assault Helldiver thrives in close-quarters combat. Whether it’s flamethrowers, shotguns, or plasma weapons, if it’s unconventional and deals massive damage, you can bet the Assault Helldiver will be wielding it. Preferring weapons with wide areas of effect, they often support their arsenal with heavy ordnance like 380 mm barrages, and they’re not afraid to use them. However, playing the Assault role requires a great deal of trust and skill, as their high-damage weapons can harm teammates if not used carefully.
The Assault Helldiver is also equipped with explosive weaponry, such as the GP-31 Grenade Pistol, capable of stopping medium-sized targets, sealing Terminid tunnels, and destroying Automaton fabricators with ease. Mastering this weapon requires practice, as it experiences fall-off at extreme ranges. You start with four grenades, and the pistol can be fired one-handed, even while carrying other objects. However, as with any explosive, using it at close range carries the risk of self-detonation—for Democracy, of course.
The grenade pistol allows the Assault Helldiver to diversify their explosive arsenal, with options like the G-12 High Explosive Grenade, ideal for lightly armored targets, and the G-10 Incendiary Grenade, a favorite among anti-Terminid players for its explosive firepower and long-lasting incendiary effects. Three grenades are typically enough to take down a Charger or Hulk. Assault troopers will often choose armor that increases grenade capacity (up to 6) and enhances throwing range, allowing them to maximize their destructive potential.

TACTICAL: Leader, Orbital/Aerial Mastery, Knows Enemy Weaknesses
The Tactical Helldiver is typically a mid-range specialist who understands every weapon—its strengths, weaknesses, and optimal deployment. They don’t just focus on their own loadout; they’re also aware of their team’s capabilities and overall effectiveness. Tactical leaders know the terrain, coordinate team operations, and are familiar with every enemy and how to defeat them. If trusted by their team, they may direct movements and tactics.
In addition to a primary weapon suited to their preferred playstyle, Tactical Helldivers opt for increased mobility and speed, often wearing lighter armor and using movement boosters. Strategems that enhance mobility, such as the LIFT-850 Jump Pack, extend their visibility, increase speed, and allow them to take the high ground on maps that support such positioning. Against Automatons, they might use the SH-32 Shield Generator Pack to boost their durability, granting vital seconds to deploy area-effect strategems like the Orbital Laser or the Orbital Railcannon Strike—ideal for eliminating hard-to-remove targets such as tanks, Bile Titans, Hulks, or Chargers. They are likely to utilize hard-hitting strategem weapons like the APW-1 Anti-Materiel Rifle , the AC-8 Autocannon, or the FAF-14 Spear, focusing on neutralizing the most dangerous targets first.
Most importantly, in Helldivers 2, Tactical leaders lead by targeting enemies using the R1 button on PlayStation 5 or the Q key on PC to mark points of interest for teammates. Pinging enemies automatically marks them with a red crosshair, designating them as high-priority targets for the appropriate Helldiver to address with suitable countermeasures. You can also ping or mark objects on the mini-map to help your team navigate and coordinate objectives efficiently. While this role is rare in pickup games, it becomes critical in coordinated teams, especially at higher difficulty levels. At levels seven through ten, a team without an effective leader won’t last long against the coordinated assaults of enemy forces.

SNIPER: Long Range, High-Profile Targeting, Anti-Air
The Sniper focuses on identifying and eliminating key enemies before they can summon reinforcements, overrun your position, or pose insurmountable challenges to more lightly armed Helldivers. This specialist is often in high demand, especially during Automaton missions where many enemies are heavily armored with small windows of vulnerability. Some foes require multiple hits in the same spot—something only a marksman who’s cool under fire can accomplish. Snipers often serve double duty as anti-air specialists, as their weapons are powerful but slow to fire or reload, requiring considerable patience to hit aerial units like dropships and gunships. Weapons such as the Anti-Materiel Rifle, Recoilless Rifle, LAS-99 Quasar Cannon, and EAT-17 Expendable Anti-Tank launcher can take down heavily armored and aerial targets in one to three shots, depending on the shooter’s accuracy. If you call yourself a sniper, you don’t miss. If you miss, what good are you to your team?
Snipers tend to use a mix of primary weapons, secondary weapons, and stratagems that suit their level of accuracy and preferred method of engaging enemies. The R-63 Diligence and the R-63CS Diligence Counter Sniper are excellent choices in the hands of a skilled shooter. They may choose stun grenades to pin down powerful targets, making them easier to hit with precision. If they need to close bug holes, they might carry a grenade pistol as a backup. Depending on the mission, a combination of anti-ground and anti-air weapons, the B-1 Supply Pack or the SH-32 Shield Generator Pack can round out the sniper’s loadout, helping them secure the right ground to pick off enemies.
An underappreciated asset in the sniper’s arsenal are various turrets, towers, and sentries that provide cover and supporting fire. These can be invaluable if a sniper needs to retreat or defend a position more effectively. Options include the A/MG-43 Machine Gun Sentry, the FX-12 Shield Generator Relay and the E/MG-101 HMG Emplacement.

SPECIALIST: Master of Weapons, Meta-Style of Play
The Tech Specialist masters particular weapons or techniques, such as laser weapons, electrical weapons, tactical stratagems, stealth, or fire weapons. Specialists often use unusual weapons but have practiced with them until they become an extension of their body. They are experts in deploying these weapons effectively and supporting the team with their specialized skills. They know the timing of animations, understand weapon ranges, and are familiar with every enemy’s vulnerabilities. When they engage the enemy, they leverage their extensive knowledge, overwhelming firepower, and tactical precision. They may employ unique weapons like the Orbital 380 MM Barrage, the Orbital Gas Strike or the powerful EXO-45 Patriot Exosuit.
Laser Weapons are direct-fire arms that do not require ammunition. As long as the Helldiver avoids overheating the weapon, it will cool down and not require a recharge. The personal laser rifle, the LAS-5 Scythe, is effective against light and medium-sized threats like Devastator, Hunters, and Brood Commanders. It has no recoil and, when well-aimed, can damage very durable targets through precision. The stratagem version, the LAS-98 Lascannon, is a shoulder-mounted weapon capable of cutting through almost any armor, provided it is allowed to cool between sustained shots. Monitoring the heat meter is imperative, as heat sinks can only be replenished by supply drops. Using laser weapons to dismember Automatons is a favored pastime among Helldivers. However, laser weapons are less effective against heavily armored Terminids like Bile Titans, except when targeting their vulnerable underbellies.
Fire Weapons are less accurate but are the go-to choice for battling the Terminid scourge due to their flammability. (It’s rumored they were once used as a fuel source before becoming an invasive species on dozens of planets, but that’s another story.) The Flam-40 Flamethrower is an excellent weapon capable of burning most Terminids to ash. With a promised buff pending, it’s rumored this Helldiver favorite will return to prominence. The flamethrower is challenging to use and can cause friendly fire with alarming frequency. Additionally, burning enemies may leap upon you, setting you ablaze, which is why it’s recommended that “Burning Troopers” wear fire-resistant armor, just in case.
The Specialist is a unique kind of soldier in Helldivers 2, trained through years of live-fire exercises. Watching them in battle is to witness a unique fighting machine battling for humanity against the dreaded Automatons and the never-ending waves of Terminids. We are fortunate to have such highly trained individuals working for Managed Democracy.

Helldivers 2 is a Blast!
Don’t worry, new Helldivers—you will slowly discover what works best for you. As your experience grows, you’ll gain access to new weapons beyond the primary and secondary tools listed here. In the meantime, put in those hours, get out there, and sip that Liber-Tea with your fellow Helldivers as you bring Democracy to the Clanking Menace across a dozen worlds. We’ll discuss specific weapons in our next installments and how to get the best from each of them in Managed Democracy Monthly!
We close with a feed from a dedicated Helldiver group, Team Spiked, whose expertise is legendary and whose coordinated teamwork brings Liberty to worlds across the Super Earth domain. For Managed Democracy!
This month, they introduce to the Super Earth Training Corps the use of the newest stratagem: the Orbital Napalm Barrage! (Coming soon to a Super Destroyer near you if the Helldivers can complete their latest Mission Objective!)
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Thaddeus Howze is an award-winning essayist, editor, and futurist exploring the crossroads of activism, sustainability, and human resilience. He's a columnist and assistant editor for SCIFI.radio and as the Answer-Man, he keeps his eye on the future of speculative fiction, pop-culture and modern technology. Thaddeus Howze is the author of two speculative works — ‘Hayward's Reach’ and ‘Broken Glass.’