Join us this Saturday, September 14, when hosts Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow welcome filmmaker Wesley Clark, joining us to talk about the upcoming crowdfunding campaign for Sirona: Valkyrie’s Shadow, the sequel to his popular science fiction film Sirona.

Sirona released last year (having been made with a shoestring $65k budget in Colorado) and has over 1.2 million watches over the platforms its released on (Youtube, Amazon, Apple TV, Vudu, Tubi) with most comments from fans calling for the sequel. It still holds a 92% rating on Rotten Tomatoes as well. 

Sirona is a young woman with supernatural gifts escapes captivity, only to be hunted down by a group of mercenaries whose lives she will change forever.The original film, and its sequel, stars Ashlyn Hideman in the title role.

The planned sequel features the further adventures of Sirona and her brother Tuck, who each have special, but opposite, abilities.

Wesley Clark was born into a military family that moved around a lot until they eventually settled in Colorado Springs, CO when he was 5. Wesley has always had a fondness for movies but never thought much about getting into the industry until one day when he was asked to play an extra in an independent film. Getting this experience changed his life. Wesley began to study and learn about filmmaking. He relentlessly watched interviews with producers & directors, behind the scenes clips from films, watched documentaries and watched tutorials online.

Wesley’s passion drove him to begin practicing with no budget short films so that he could get some hands on experience. After working with a multitude of people in the industry and learning what he could, he finally decided it was time to try and pursue his dream of film making. This pursuit led to the feature film “Sirona”, and now its sequel is in preproduction.


Here are the air times for this new episode of The Event Horizon:

Sat Sep 14 4 PM Pacific  / 7 PM Eastern  / 12 AM GMT Sun Sep 15 4 PM Pacific  / 7 PM Eastern  / 12 AM GMT
Sep 19
4 AM Pacific  / 7 AM Eastern  / 12 PM GMT Sat Setp 21 4 AM Pacific  / 7 AM Eastern  / 12 PM GMT

Once all the airtimes have passed, you’ll find this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, and right here on our own web site on the Event Horizon show page (see the menus above).

The Event Horizon on

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