The Sailor Moon Crystal anime series concludes with Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie, debuting globally on Netflix on August 22. This two-part movie adapts the Shadow Galactica Arc from Naoko Takeuchi’s original manga, bringing Sailor Moon’s cosmic adventures to a thrilling end.

In this final chapter, Sailor Moon faces Shadow Galactica, a powerful enemy targeting her friends to rule the universe. With her loved ones at risk, Sailor Moon must protect them and persevere.

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie, directed by Tomoya Takahashi and written by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu, is a sequel to the 2021 film Sailor Moon Eternal. Fans worldwide have been eagerly awaiting its release, and on August 22, they can finally experience the epic conclusion.

Both parts of Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Cosmos The Movie will be available on Netflix simultaneously, offering an immediate resolution to the story. These films serve as the final season of the Sailor Moon Crystal series. While no new adaptations are currently in the works, the Sailor Scouts’ popularity suggests more adventures could be on the horizon.

The Sailor Moon Crystal series retells Sailor Moon’s quest to find her fellow Guardians and the Legendary Silver Crystal to stop Queen Beryl’s dark forces. Fans can catch up with the entire series on Crunchyroll.

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