They call him the Kaiju Academic — Nathan Marchand joins us for this week’s episode of The Event Horizon here on SCIFI.radio. Nathan is the mastermind behind the Monster Island Film Vault, a popular podcast that goes into intriguing detail on daikaiju (giant monsters) and the tokusatu (the Japanese word for film that make heavy use of practical special effects). Nate channels some serious energy on these topics, and there isn’t a lot about Japanese monster movies that he doesn’t know.
The author of ten books and counting, Nathan makes appearances at conventions and podcasts all over the geek-o-verse.
About Nathan Marchand
Nathan Marchand is a young writer from northeastern Indiana. Born June 29, 1983, in Fort Wayne, Indiana, he was homeschooled starting in first grade. He discovered his talent for writing in sixth grade English. He was given the assignment to write a “fanciful story,” so he crafted one about his toys coming to life and fighting each other. He enjoyed it so much, he wrote many sequels (he still has them all…somewhere). He eventually expanded into writing other stories and genres. He has wanted to write science fiction since his dad introduced him to the original Star Trek at age three.
He attended Taylor University Fort Wayne, earning a B.A. in professional writing. While there, he wrote for The Express, the school newspaper, and Calliope, the literary magazine, and authored various freelance articles.
Since graduation, he’s worn several hats. He worked as a reporter for the Bluffton News-Banner in Bluffton, Indiana, and freelanced for www.Examiner.com and GigaGeek Magazine, among others. He served as marketing director/staff writer for Breakthrough Writing Services, a writing business he helped start with fellow TUFW graduates.
Nathan believes Jesus Christ is “the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6). His stories, he hopes, communicate this at least implicitly.
His first novel, Pandora’s Box, was published in 2010 by Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy. He’s also the co-creator of the ongoing fantasy book serial Children of the Wells and the podcasts Monster Island Film Vault, Henshin Men, and The Power Trip: A Journey through the Power Rangers Franchise .
His literary influences include C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, Robert Heinlein, and Orson Scott Card. His favorite books are The Lord of the Rings, C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia, Starship Troopers, and Ender’s Game.
When not writing, he enjoys other creative endeavors like photography, acting, podcasting, making videos, and ballroom dancing.
Sat July 22 | 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET / Midnight GMT (and a second air time at 9 pm PT) |
Sun July 23 | 4 pm PT / 7 pm ET / Midnight GMT |
Thursday, July 27 | 4 am PT / 7 am ET / Noon GMT |
Friday, July 28 | 4 am PT / 7 am ET / Noon GMT |
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