Join us this Saturday at 4 pm Pacific, 7 pm Eastern for’s The Event Horizon. This episode features author and screenwriter Lynn Barker, who is the co-author of the last published work by famed Star Trek screenwriter D.C. Fontana. The book is called Futurus Rex. The book puts a new spin on Arthurian Legend.

About Lynn Barker
Lynn Barker was born in New Mexico, was a college journalism student of famous Navajo mystery writer Tony Hillerman, was an associate producer of KRON t.v. news in San Francisco before moving to L.A. where she was Manager for the CBS Network Story Department before writing scripts for the 1980’s reboot of “The Twilight Zone”.
Other Writers Guild of America credits include “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”. Her articles have appeared in “American Cinematographer” and the WGA magazine “Written By:” and she has a story in the “Chicken Soup for the Soul of America” book. Lynn worked as Story Department Manager for the CBS Television Network and was an MPAA-accredited Hollywood entertainment journalist for several websites.
Her writing experience also includes show scripts for Disney Imagineering and Universal theme park attractions. She is a script doctor and screenplay consultant. Her latest work is as co-author of “Futurus Rex” a Sci-Fi/Fantasy adventure novel written with the late Dorothy (D.C.) Fontana. It is available wherever E-books are sold and a paperback soon.
Gene Turnbow and Susan Fox are your hosts. Here are the air times for this new episode of The Event Horizon:
Saturday August 20 | 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern / 12 AM GMT | Sunday August 21 | 4 PM Pacific / 7 PM Eastern / 12 AM GMT |
Thursday August 25 |
4 AM Pacific / 7 AM Eastern / 12 PM GMT | Saturday August 27 | 4 AM Pacific / 7 AM Eastern / 12 PM GMT |
Once all the airtimes have passed, you’ll find this episode on iTunes, Stitcher, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Google Podcasts, and right here on our own web site on the Event Horizon show page (see the menus above).
The Event Horizon on – it’s Sci-Fi for your Wi-fi.

Here is the episode, as broadcast, in its entirety.
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