Actress, Producer and Writer Gillie Jones joins hosts Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow to talk about her new horror feature film The Curse of La Patasola. This brand new episode of The Event Horizon airs Saturday and Sunday January 22 & 23 4pm Pacific / 7 pm Eastern.
On a weekend camping trip, two struggling couples are haunted by La Patasola, a famed vampiric monster from Amazonian folklore, testing their relationships, morality, and will to survive. The film has a deliciously dark style to it, with definite Eldritch tone, offering a sophisticated vision of the complicated lives of these four unfortunates, and some real suspense.
We’ve seen The Curse of La Patasola, by the way, and it rocks. Gillie Jones, in particular, comes from out of the clear blue sky to land a full length feature film that keeps you on the edge of your seat to the end. Of course it’s a trope we’ve seen before, but every filmmaker tells the story in a different way. Gillie Jone’s voice as a writer is clear and refreshing; as an actress, she’s genuine and believable, and delivers a fine performance.
Air Times
Saturday Jan 29 | 4 PM PT / 7 PM ET |
Sunday Jan 30 | 4 PM PT / 7 PM ET |
Thursday Feb 3 | 4 AM PT / 7 AM ET |
Saturday Feb 5 | 4 AM PT / 7 AM ET |
Once all air times have passed, you’ll find this episode on Google Podcasts, iTunes, Stitcher, Pandora, Spotify, iHeartRadio, and on our own web site here on
The Event Horizon on – it’s Sci-fi for your Wi-fi.
Something extra from’s Production Coordinator Cat Carter

It isn’t often that our intrepid production coordinator Cat Carter gets any press herself, because she’s nearly always working diligently behind the scenes making sure that everything goes smoothly and that everybody shows up with the right stuff in the right place at the right time so that the shows actually get done.
This time, though, she wrote a personal note to Gillie Jones about her film, what she had to say about The Curse of La Patasola was too good not to share:
I don’t normally chime in for these things, but I have to say it took me three hours to watch it because the suspense
got to me and I had to take breaks for my nerves, LOL. That music!!This was seriously one of the best horror ghost story movies I’ve ever seen. The people were so authentic (unlike so many SYFY originals and other stuff that ends up on CometTV) that it made the experience so much scarier. My heart was pounding and I kept having to stop and make sure to not hold my breath.
The entire movie was so perfectly understated (imo) that it made it all the creepier.
Please tell Gillie that I think she (and the others) did a superb job!
One last comment: that while I think it’s awesome they are promoting wildlife/nature conservation at the end, that I also find it hysterical, after a scary movie about a creature in the woods, to state how spending time in wilderness places like where this movie was shot, can promote mental health because my mental health says Stay Away! LOL.
I’m going to have a nice cup of tea and watch something ridiculous so I can go to sleep. It was a mistake to watch this when the sun is down. 😉
Thanks for a terrific ghost story!
Here’s the Show!
You can listen to this episode of The Event Horizon right here – enjoy!
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