The much beloved anthropomorphic angsty red panda Retsuko returns to Netflix for a third season of impossible life pressures, friends at the office of the Japanese trading company where she works in the accounting department who aren’t really her friends, and the only safety valve she has: singing death metal at the local private karaoke.
In the third season, Retsuko’s bills are piling up, and she finds herself moonlighting for an underground idol group to make ends meet.
The third season of Aggretsuko also brings a new character into the mix, in the person of Seiya, a unicorn turned businessman. His voice will be provided by Yuki Kaji, an anime voice actor that has appeared in several popular anime. He announced his involvement with Aggretsuko shortly after the new trailer dropped.
Will Retsuko finally catch a break and find a way out of her near continous existential dread?
The series premieres August 27 on Netflix.
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