Hanna-Barbera and Knute O’Bannon both predicted underwater colonies in 2020. 20th Century-Fox seems to concur with them: Underwater, their science fiction/horror film, will debut at theaters January 10, 2020.

According to Hanna-Barbera and Knute O’Bannon, we should have undersea colonies by now. Both seaQuest DSV and Sealab 2020 assumed we would have multiple underwater colonies and laboratories by the year 2020. In acknowledgement of this expectation, 20th Century Fox will be releasing Underwater in a few days.
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Underwater is about aquatic researchers who must seek shelter when an earthquake devastates their laboratory. Then they face more and greater threats than an earthquake. The movie stars Kirsten Stewart as Norah. She’s got some serious geek credentials – she was Bella Swan in the Twilight movies, Lisa in Zathura: A Space Adventure, and Snow White in Snow White and the Huntsman. Underwater also stars English actress Jessica Henwick as Emily, whom you have seen before as Nymeria Sand in Game of Thrones and Colleen Wing in Iron Fist.

T. J. Miller also appears in Underwater, but this is not the T.J. Miller of Renaissance Faire fame as one of the Lords of Adventure. Instead this T. J. Miller was Weasel in Deadpool and the voice of Tuffnut Thorston in Dreamworks’ How to Train Your Dragon franchise, as well as Hudson Platt in Cloverfield.
Underwater is rated PG-13 and is 95 minutes long.
Susan Macdonald is the author of the children's book "R is for Renaissance Faire", as well as 26 short stories, mostly fantasy in "Alternative Truths", "Swords and Sorceress #30", Swords &Sorceries Vols. 1, 2, & 5, "Cat Tails" "Under Western Stars", and "Knee-High Drummond and the Durango Kid". Her articles have appeared on SCIFI.radio's web site, in The Inquisitr, and in The Millington Star. She enjoys Renaissance Faires (see book above), science fiction conventions, Highland Games, and Native American pow-wows. Her nonfiction book THEY ENDURED will be published by B Cubed Press in 2025 or 2026.