Tag: Tina Beychok

Tonight on ‘The Event Horizon’: The Backup Ribbon Project

This week’s episode of THE EVENT HORIZON features Tina Beychok, co-founder of The Backup Ribbon Project, Dr. Rebecca Housel, the Pop Culture Professor, and guest panelist Kristine Cherry of The Corsair’s Closet. The show airs at 9PM PDT / 12 AM EDT, and again Sunday at 4PM PDT / 7 PM EDT.

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A Random
SCIFI.radio story

Earth scientists discover pneumatic cyborg chickens who are friendly but incomprehensible even though they have seen every episode of Firefly who derive their sustainance by a slap to the side of the head with a large fish but they fall in love with a young girl and so they leave our planet and fly home.
The End.