Category: Toys / Games / Collectibles

ECA Action Alert: Help Fight The ‘Video Game Health Labeling Act of 2012’

The Entertainment Consumer Association (ECA) has issued an action alert, a call to arms for gamers everywhere to let their elected officials know that The Video Game Health Labeling Act of 2012 wasn’t acceptable in 2009 and is not acceptable now. Rep. Joe Baca (D CA-43) has teamed up with Rep. Frank Wolf (R VA-10) to reintroduce a bill that is very familiar to gamers. If passed, the bill would require that ALL Video Games except those rated “Early Childhood” (EC) be labeled with a dramatic warning for parents:

“WARNING: Exposure to violent video games has been linked to aggressive behavior.”

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A Random story

Earth is slated for destruction by aliens who want to build an intergalactic bypass who behave in a friendly manner.
The End.