Category: Politics

Tonight on ‘The Event Horizon’: The Backup Ribbon Project

This week’s episode of THE EVENT HORIZON features Tina Beychok, co-founder of The Backup Ribbon Project, Dr. Rebecca Housel, the Pop Culture Professor, and guest panelist Kristine Cherry of The Corsair’s Closet. The show airs at 9PM PDT / 12 AM EDT, and again Sunday at 4PM PDT / 7 PM EDT.

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Dragon*Con Reincorporates Without Ed Kramer

DragonCon founders officially announced a split from co-founder Ed Kramer yesterday morning.  The Board of Directors and Shareholders of Dragon Con / ACE, Inc., producer of DragonCon, Atlanta’s internationally known pop culture,...

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A Random story

Earth discovers that the key to unlocking the mysteries of the cosmos is piles of raw salmon who desire our women, take a few, decide they don't like those, bring them back, take different women, and leave.
The End.