Category: Conventions

Dragon Con Co-Founder Evades Jail Time, Sentenced to House Arrest

Thirteen years ago Ed Kramer was arrested on child molestation charges. At long last, he was due for his due in court, all stalling tactics finally petering out. Instead of facing a jury, he pled guilty today to three counts of child molestation in a plea bargain for the state of Georgia not prosecuting him on three more charges. The way things are looking, he won’t spend another day in jail.

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Tonight on ‘The Event Horizon’: The Backup Ribbon Project

This week’s episode of THE EVENT HORIZON features Tina Beychok, co-founder of The Backup Ribbon Project, Dr. Rebecca Housel, the Pop Culture Professor, and guest panelist Kristine Cherry of The Corsair’s Closet. The show airs at 9PM PDT / 12 AM EDT, and again Sunday at 4PM PDT / 7 PM EDT.

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Dragon*Con Reincorporates Without Ed Kramer

DragonCon founders officially announced a split from co-founder Ed Kramer yesterday morning.  The Board of Directors and Shareholders of Dragon Con / ACE, Inc., producer of DragonCon, Atlanta’s internationally known pop culture,...

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A Random story

Earth falls under the spell of a cosmic enchantment, casting the world into sentient vats of melted caramel who behave in a friendly manner.
The End.