Self published science fiction competition

Welcome to the Self-Published Science Fiction Competition! Or the spussfic, as they like to call it — mostly due to the tendency of humans to try to make otherwise unpronouncable acronyms into something that can be used in casual conversation. What in the world is the SPSFC? It’s an opportunity to shine a great big laser beam on wonderful works of self-pubbed science fiction.

For a few years now, Mark Lawrence has been organizing a contest known as the Self-Published Fantasy Blog-Off. Science fiction authors and bloggers have been clamoring for something similar. So with Mark’s blessing and science fiction’s habit of looking to its sister genre for inspiration, we are going to run this pretty much the same way.

Ten book bloggers, up to 300 science fiction novels, a year of reading and reviewing resulted in a slate of seven finalists and one winner last year in 2021. Here’s the details on how they worked it all out. They’ve really made sort of a science of this.

This year, they’re doing it all again. Just better. Faster. Stronger. Learning and improving as we go.

The winner gets a badge and a blaster set to “stunning.” Most importantly, they get heaps of recognition and bragging rights. All the finalists and many of the entries will naturally get more eyeballs on their books, which is what authors and eye-eating aliens crave the most.

SPSFC 2022 is open for:
Judges – June 15th, 2022
Authors – July 15th, 2022

If you’re a self-published author (and these days that’s most of us who write) you have an option for recognition of your work. Give it a try.


SCIFI Radio Staff
SCIFI Radio Staff is listener supported sci-fi geek culture radio, and operates almost exclusively via the generous contributions of our fans via our Patreon campaign. If you like, you can also use our tip jar and send us a little something to help support the many fine creatives that make this station possible.